Monday, April 20, 2009

SART Team Signs MOU

The Dodge County SART (Sexual Assault Response Team) has been hard at work for the last six months developing a best practices guide to assisting victims of sexual assault. 300 copies of the books have been printed thanks to funding from SAVS and the Dodge County Sheriff's Department. The team just began signing a MOU (memo of understanding) agreeing to abide by these best practices. The first signers are shown in the photo from left to right and are Mary Wendell - Probation and Parole, Ann Kilian-Khan - Sexual Assault Victim Advocate at PAVE, Bill Bedker - Dodge County District Attorney, Amanda Anhaldt & John Hartman - Dodge County Victim Witness, and Jamie Kratz-Gullickson - PAVE's Executive Director. Others will be signing over the next few weeks, including many local law enforcement agencies and hosptials. If you are interested in being part of this MOU or the SART, please contact Ann Kilian-Khan at PAVE (920)887-3810.