Friday, July 23, 2010

Am Vets Donate Food

A big thanks to the local vets that gathered food for a donation to the pantry at PAVE. With as busy as our shelter is, it was much appreciated.

My favorite part of the visit was when I started to pick up bags to take them out to my truck and two of the gentlemen each grabbed an end of the table and carried the ENTIRE donation outside on the table! Keep in mind, this wasn't a table full of Cheerios boxes....those bags are stuffed with heavy cans. Impressive!

Thanks everyone!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

PAVE visits Horicon Phoenix

Thank you to the Horicon Phoenix group for inviting PAVE out to their Farmer's Market last night. We gave away some PAVE water bottles, brochures and painted some faces. We also enjoyed the FFA's corn boil and the music of Steve Cohen. It was a very nice family and I had a great time and got some fantastic food (I ate the bread and green beans on the way home!)

Horicon Phoenix will also be providing their proceeds to PAVE for the markets held this Saturday July 24 8am-noon, Wednesday August 18th 4pm-8pm and Saturday August 21st 8am-noon. Please stop out and support them and see the new rain shed they are working on. Thanks to the whole group for being so welcoming and for supporting services to victims of violence.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Lake Days Celebration

The Lake Days Steering Committee invited me to attend the Ecumenical Polka Service this past Sunday provided by Rev. Mary Mail. It was the most unique service I have attended (this poorly lit photo from my phone that day doesn't do it justice). The Don Peachy Polka Band plays, the Asbury Clowns performed and I spoke about the services we provide to victims of violence in Dodge County. The collection raised over $500 for PAVE. A special thanks to Rev. Mary, whose line I must remember....she said her Bishop insisted on quiet money, not that kind that jingles. Thank you to everyone for their generosity and kindness.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Outreach to Ashippun

This year, PAVE wanted to reach out to some of the smaller communities in Dodge County to make certain people there knew our services were available to them as well. Here I am, painting faces at the Ashippun Fireman's Picnic, while my daughter Liberty hands out stuffed animals with PAVE's information on them to the kids. I'd like to thank Sara Schlieve for offering the space in the family booth! Hope to see you again next year!

Children's Radiothon 2010

Heidi Stark, PAVE's Case Manager and Jen Kunath, PAVE's Children's Advocate are show grilling up brats at Leroy Meats in Horicon to help raise funds for the Children's Radiothon. WBEV/WXRO raises money every year for local charities that support children. Thanks!