Thursday, August 26, 2010

Rotary brings fresh produce to PAVE

I would like to extend a big THANKS to Beaver Dam Rotary. They grew and donated fresh produce for PAVE's shelter this year. Last week, on a beautiful August day, I went out to visit their garden site and brought back several bags of squash and tomatoes. Thank you to all the members that made this donation possible!

Monday, August 23, 2010

PAVE at the Dodge County Fair

This year, PAVE has been focusing efforts on outreach and awareness of our services. I would like to extend a big thank you to Mitchell Matuszeski for taking a van to the fair's Demo Derby with PAVE's crisis line number on it. What a unique way to inform the county about our services!!

I also appreciate Ashley Welak (our legal advocate) and her sisiter Jenni Welak's volunteer efforts in painting the vans in teal, purple and blue - the colors of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Awareness.

I also would like to thank WBEV/WXRO radiostation for inviting me out to paint faces at their Children's tent during the fair. It was lots of fun!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Ups and Downs of My Job - National Night Out

The Big Up

PAVE staff and volunteers participated in National Night Out at Swan Park in Beaver Dam. PAVE provided water bottles, brochures, stuffed animals and coloring books to area children. It is our hope that they have many different ways to find PAVE's contact information should they ever need it. I was VERY excited to start the night with a photo with my daughter and the Oscar Mayer gang.

The Many "Downs"
Then, as promised, I got into the Dunk Tank to support the Beaver Dam Citizen's Police group. Last year, I only got dunked twice. This year, I was in at least a dozen times! Sheriff Todd Nehls sat in after me and I'd like to thank him for the "assist" he provided my daughter in my final dunk. It was a very fun night.