Friday, October 10, 2008

Domestic Violence Awareness Month is here!

We are now a week into our county-wide efforts to increase awareness about Domestic Violence this October. At the beginning of the month, we distributed purple ribbons, posters, table tents and event calendars all across Dodge County - you should be able to find them at many locations. If you cannot, contact PAVE and we can mail materials to you. We hope you will join us in wearing a purple ribbon this month to signify that you believe Domestic Violence is not our culture.  We also had a good deal of fun recording our public service announcements at WXRO/WBEV - thanks to them for putting the word out and thanks to our volunteers that assisted in the taping.

Last week we had our Elder Abuse event in Juneau and showed a powerful video that displayed five case studies of individuals that were victims of abuse at the hands of their lifetime spouses, children and co-parents. It was very sad to watch, but also motivated our staff to push forward with outreach to this particularly isolated group.

Next week is our new support group for family and friends effected by domestic abuse and sexual assault at Beaver Dam Community Library. The group meets Monday our Case Manager for the time.

Check our calendar of events on the website for more information about upcoming events or call PAVE to learn how we can bring awareness to your group.